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Bsod whea uncorrectable error


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So I'm not sure if this is a vive problem or a game problem because I keep getting a bsod when I play beat saber but on other games the play fine. I've so have had some driver trouble lately so that might be the issue but I dont see how that's just affecting one game? Any help would be greatly appreciated

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This is a pretty generic error message in many ways - it can either indicate a driver issue like you mentioned but it commonly indicates an issue with an overclocking voltage setting or CPU/GPU overheating.


It's dooper weird that it would happen on only Beat ]Saber though. That game doesn't eat up many resources. What's your GPU usage when running Beat Saber? It really wouldn't make sense for the issue to only occur on Beat Saber unless Beat Saber was interfacing with your hardware/drivers in a specific way that the other apps aren't. 

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So i just ran it and the gpu was running at 35% and then after a minute the screen froze and then crashed again. Plus now other games also are now crashing after a couple minutes


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