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Shared IPC Compositor Connect Failed (306) and (436)


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I'm sure everybody has had thier fill of dealing with this error message.  I've tried every suggestion aside from reinstalling windows, and I decided to come here for some assistance.  I started recieving this error message after unplugging everything from my tower and dusting it.  I have an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 with my TV connected to the HDMI port and my VIVE connected to a DP to HDMI adapter.


I've tried unintalling/reinstalling GPU drivers, uninstalling/reinstalling SteamVR, opting in and out of various SteamVR betas, Disabling the camera on my VIVE through settings, and enabling Direct Display Mode through developer settings.


One thing I have noticed is when I enable/disable Direct Display Mode through developer settings, the information in the bottom left always states that Direct Mode is OFF.  My headset is also able to be detected and tracked, and I have a green light on it.


Thank you for your assistance.

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