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Shutter for interferences


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Hi everyone! :)


I'm working for a french company, and I got a request!


My boss asked me to search for shutters for base stations.


Our project is to have 10 players in one single room (15×15m) with several Lighthouses.


Seems like we have some interferences issues, and one solution would be to use some shutters like on the picture.

Another professionnal told me that such a configuration would need a special adapted devices, like some kind of curtains.



So I got 3 questions :


1) Where could we order some shutters like that for the base stations ? Seems like it's pretty hard to find, I guess you guys could help me with that ! :)


2) Do you think the shutters would be enought to avoid any interferences ? Or should we think about other solutions ?



3) How many base stations can we use in only one room ?


I hope this is clear enought, thank you so much for your help ! :)




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