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No display after new graphics card? Gtx 970 to rx 570 dvi to hdmi


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Basically i upgraded my graphics card and still used the dvi to hdmi adapter i used previously and now i see no display the computer recognizes the headset and streamvr recognizes it and while mirroring i can see its tracking and the veiw moves but no picture through the headset.it worked with the dvi to hdmi prior to the gpu upgrade, I went from a gtx 960 to rx 570. I have a display port to mini display port coming in the mail im hoping maybe its just a issue that the new card doesnt like the dvi to hdmi connection for the vive. Has anyone else had a problem like this i stream alot on twitch theworstgamervr my whole thing is playing vr if my headset dont work i cant stream. Any help is greatly appreciated and any additional information will gladly be provided.

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