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VIVE Controller KeyBinding Lost On All Games


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So I started up the VIVE and everything loaded normally, no messages or anything, and I noticed a new background for the loading screen. I realized that there must have been an update and I enjoyed the nice new loading screen. Then comes the time for my game to load up (I was playing Hotdogs, Horseshoes, and Hand Grenades) and as soon as it does, the Steam layout pops up and a message displayed about the controllers not having any key bindings, and it then instructed me to select another binding. I did so and (luckily) there was some community made bindings for the default key bindings. I selected one and everything seemed normal (aside from one control being a little less sensitive).


Then the next day, I launch a different game (Job Simulator), and I get the same error code. Luckily for the community-made key bindings i get through it with no issues. At that moment i realized that the new update must have caused issues with the KeyBinding saves. My suspicions were confirmed when I logged into another game (Exoplanet) and got the error message. However, there were no community made bindings for this game, and due to me not knowing how to set bindings properly, basically made one or more of my games completely unusable.


I had this issue before when I attempted to play another game (Climbey) and noticed that none of my controls worked. However, I had not got any error codes or messages. (This was a while ago). And even with a newly added game (Exploring Space 2) I didn't have controls (No message still). It was only recently that this happened (May 19-20).


I'm not 100% sure what is going on, but I would really like to fix this issue. I'm not sure if there has already been posts about this or not, but I really would like to address this issue and get it fixed so that i can be able to play games without losing my KeyBindings.


I hope that we can get this resolved soon, Thank You

Best Regards, SmokeyDragon11


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