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Vive Student Pricing?


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Recently I started an MSc in the Engineering sector and want to purchase a Vive, to help with research I hope to do in the coming months.  However, the headset remains to be quite expensive, particularly if you live in the UK following the “Brexit” referendum.


In the interest of supporting Taught and Research students everywhere, is there any way HTC would agree to instituting a reduced price (i.e. a 20% discount, or perhaps not paying VAT), to those who can provide an active photo ID of a Term of Study lasting a year or more?

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I still think it would be beneficial for people to be able to purchase them at a discount - by comparison with hardware for motion capture, Neuron Mocap and Synertial offer their suits at academic pricing for students who want a system at home if there aren't many to spare, or can't be borrowed from the University they are studying at.


On the side of not paying VAT alone, about £150 is deducted from the overall cost, whilst still being a competitve price.

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