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stream audio data from HTC Vive to Magic Leap


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Hello guys, we are working on a project using HTC vive (VR user) and Magic leap (AR user).
We'd like to let these two users talk in real time like talking over phone. I.e., the VR user speaks in his space, his voice is captured by Vive and streamed to the magic leap user who is in another space. Is this ultimately possible? Could anyone indicate tool/SDKs that may help for this?
Thanks a lot in advance.

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 - This is certainly something you should be able to build using the tools currently out there. 


The mic on the Vive is picked up in windows as a standard microphone. You'd use your engine to target the mic as one of Window's Sound Devices. You don't need anything special on that front. I'm not sure about the Magic Leap side of the integration but I'm sure it's similar if not simpler as it's a uniform hardware platform unlike PC. 


Where it will all boil down to is what you do your networking in. What you'd likely need is a truly cross-platform multiplayer SDK that has VOIP built in. I would consider building your project using PhotonEngine - using that, you could set up a VOIP enabled cross-platform build that's not dependent on a store driven SDK (such as SteamWorks or Oculus' SDK). Photon Engine seems like the best SDK candidate given my understanding of the scenario but there are certainly alternatives which may fit your needs. 

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