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Will we be able to use HTC Vive with our laptop?


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My son wants to get this HTC Vive system, https://www.amazon.com/HTC-VIVE-Virtual-Reality-System-pc/dp/B00VF5NT4I/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=htc%2Bvive&qid=1563212950&s=gateway&sr=8-4&th=1, and I was wondering if it would work with our laptop. We do not have a mini or regular display port. Before I order one, I wanted to make sure that we will be able to use it. This is our laptop, HP Omen 15-ax250wm, https://www.walmart.com/ip/HP-Omen-15-ax250wm-15-6-Full-HD-IPS-Display-Core-i7-7700HQ-QC-Processor-NVIDIA-GTX-1050Ti-4GB-Graphics-Card-12GB-Memory-1TB-Hard-Drive/630174927. 


Thank you for your help.


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Your laptop has a 1050 Ti which is a notorious edge case in VR. I'd generally recommend all 1050Ti users to avoid Vive as your technically ~20-30%$ below the minimum reqs but it's super case by case as some laptop users are able to get it to boot.


There was actually a meme that got posted in a popular subreddit this weekend that is super accurate: https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/ccml2m/no_not_the_1050ti/

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