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Vive Community Guidelines

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Please note that the Vive Community is not a direct support channel. To reach the Vive support team, please click here.


The Vive Community is a peer-to-peer channel and central space to get help and exchange information, tips and techniques. It is also the place to share and collaborate on ideas to use and improve Vive products and services.


Everyone is welcome to join the community. Please exercise good judgement in what you post, and be respectful of the rights of your fellow members. All members are required to adhere to HTC’s Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and these Community Guidelines, as follows:


  1. Be respectful to all community members.

Respect other members as individuals by keeping your tone positive and your comments constructive. We absolutely do not tolerate personal attacks, harassment, racism, sexism, threats, obscene material, or other behavior that we determine to be detrimental to the openness and well-being of our community.


  1. Be relevant to the conversation.

Make sure your contributions are relevant to the specific forum and topic where you post. Search the community before posting your question - it may have already been answered! If you have a new question, start a new topic rather than interrupting a conversation. Do not post duplicate messages in different areas of the community (to avoid fragmenting discussion). Solicitations (adverts) are not permitted. If you’re unsure whether or not your contribution is considered an advert or solicitation, please contact the Community team for clarification.


  1. Adhere to legal agreements.

This particularly applies to developers: don't post anything that would violate any legal/contractual agreements (intellectual property, copyright, trade secret or otherwise) or nondisclosure agreements to which you are a party.


  1. Protect privacy - yours and others'.

Don't share anything about yourself or your organization that you would not want to see on a giant billboard. This includes but is not limited to names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, private messages, and links to personal websites.  If you need to exchange personal information, do so via a private message.


  1. Respect moderation decisions.

The Community Team reserves the right to edit, move, block or delete any content and ban any member that is considered inappropriate or detrimental to the community. Do not publicly discuss moderator actions. If you wish to comment on a moderation decision, please contact the Community Team.


  1. Use caution when adopting advice/solutions.

You'll find plenty of good advice here, but remember that your situation, configuration, or implementation will often vary from other members of the Community. Some advice you find here may even be wrong. Apply the same good judgment here that you would apply to information anywhere on the Internet.


How to flag inappropriate content for review


If you encounter any violations of these guidelines, please notify the Vive Community Team: choose the "Report Inappropriate Content" from the message's Options menu (the three dots in the top right corner), and state why you feel the content is inappropriate.




Feedback and ideas


We want this to be the best community it can possibly be - so let us know what you think, and how we can help improve your experience by visiting the General Vive Discussion Forum.


If you have any questions about the Vive Community, including our guidelines, terms, and policies, please send a private message to the Community Team.


Thank you for reading! .

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