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Quick prebuilt example


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Is there a prebuilt example to download and run somewhere?  Basically what is shown in the SDK videos would be ideal.  I've searched Google and Steam and can't find one.  The video is useful, but it would be much better to be able to run live to see how it all really behaves without having to learn and use the SDK.  Thanks



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Hi @sjpt

The sample used in the video is provided in the unity plugin. You can import the Vive Hand Tracking plugin and find the example scene in Assets/ViveHandTracking/Sample folder. Just build and run on supported platform, including Windows (with OpenVR enabled), WaveVR and Android phone (not all functions supported on phone).

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Thank you, I'll try that.  It would still be much more convenient for me (and I am sure for many others) if the sample was just available to run.  Should be easy enough to export the main versions (Windows, Android?) from Unity and make them easily available to those that want to see the capability of the technology and don't have Unity familiar and ready to hand?  It would reduce testing time from > 30 minutes to < 3 minutes.

p.s. if we do use the technology it will be on WebVR/WebXR.  We will build a simple OSC over WebSockets bridge to the parts of the SDK we need.  If you know of anything similar already existing that would be helpful.

Greetings, Stephen


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Hi @sjpt

Thanks for the suggestion. I will see if we can provide the pre-built binaries for common platforms in next release.

As for the WebVR, we don't have plans to support it yet, I think you can stick to your existing plan.

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