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[3AxeOfFreedom] Deactivate Movement axes

Paul Demars

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I'm a developper and I'm currently working on an adaptation of an airplane simulation in VR. The application is not my production (Xplane 11) and I need to deactivate the 6 axes of freedom. I only need the rotation of the HTC device without the movement.
But I need to do it directly on the HTC application because I can't do it directly on the simulator.
Paul Demars




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@Paul Demars - Can you please describe your tech stack a bit? In short, SteamVR tracked hardware is fundamentally 6DoF only - at the OpenVR/SteamVR layers, you can only derive and query OpenVR for a 6DoF pose, and in the case of SteamVR tracked hardware, that pose is dependent on timing data from the basestations. There are several tricks to derive a 3DoF position within an editor (Unity, Unreal) but not so at the OpenVR layer.

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