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HTC VIVE COSMOS - Screen is lumpy every games when i play

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Hi everyone ,

I bought Htc Vive Cosmos Yesterday.

When i put the headset , I search in the menu (etc:Steam Library , Viveport) everthing is clean, but when I start a game ,I see in the headset the display/in game is LUMPY ! I write it down that way!

You just see , when your arms moving (etc: Arizona Sunshine , Dirt rally 2.0) or some object is "pixelling" when you do nothing in the game , in the headset the game didn't "lag" just on the external monitor you see the game is lagging sometimes 40-90 FPS around , but in the headset randomly object "lumpy"...

I tried every resolutions and videosettings (low-mid-high) in every games !

I have a 8700K, 2080 and 32 GB RAM's

I hope everyone will understand !

@C.T. @stvnxu

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