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Iracing with vive


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@caracer13 With the Vive Pro you need external base stations.  If you do not already have these you can buy the Vive Pro full kit w/2.0 base stations/controllers.  I have this and it works great with all my flight and racing sims.  The Cosmos (not the Elite version) does not need external base stations because it uses inside-out tracking like WMR and Rift S headsets.  I also have this Cosmos and while the tracking in some games still needs improving, it's perfectly fine for flight and racing sims because you are normally using external controls like yokes and wheels.  The picture colours and clarity is slightly better than the Pro but the Pro's oled screens are a bit nicer in games/sims with darkish environments.

The Cosmos (original, not new Elite which uses base stations) would be great for racing sims imho.  It would also be a lot less expensive than a Vive Pro full kit and because there are no external base stations, it is quite a bit easier to setup and move locations later.

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