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VIVEPORT causes BSOD with Line 6 Helix and windows 10


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So I got my Vive Cosmos Elite headset today and have been having installation issues, and I've determined it revolves around VIVEPORT. For some reason, when VIVEPORT is running (literally everything else is fine, VIVE console etc), it causes a BSOD when my Line 6 Helix recording interface is on and running as well, which is a huge issue because that's what my computer uses as its audio device and it stops me from being able to play and record any music.


At this point I'd just like to remove VIVEPORT from my system, but it seems to uninstall everything with it (perhaps its just removing VIVE console and the drivers remain, at this point I'm taking a break due to frustration). Is it possible to use the HTC Vive Cosmos Elite without having VIVEPORT installed?


Another very weird issue though at least not a blocker is that your VIVE Setup knocks my wifi out on my laptop during installation, so I have to continuously reconnect during installation. During VIVE Setup and the VIVE Cosmos Elite Setup is the only time my internet shuts off continuously on this machine.

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