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Apparently a new headset with the name "Lenovo" is offering an enhanced Vive experience (1440x1440 OLED) for between 300 and $400. It is expected to be a pc based vr system with hopes of integrating hololens-type experiences hence the windows store. Although the article does not mention SteamVR at all, I'd imagine we'd be seeing yet another strange symbol appearing underneath the title of "War Thunder" like the OSVR did. Thoughts?


Yours Truly,




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All these cheap WIndows headsets are going to be basically the same. The fact that they haven't really showed anything isn't promising. And not having a chaperone system seems death defying. Everything from the announcement to the partners, sounds too much, ME TOO, for me. From what I undestand, they originally were more to be cheap headsets for looking at objects in VR while sitting, etc (Hence, the Windows 10, creators update name).. but the goal now is to be much more then that. That said.. I think they are junk now, but in 4 years.. maybe not. I just wish they didn't act in their marketing, etc.. that their longterm goals are working today when they are not. Kind of like, Hololen's false publicity so far. Skip the fake videos, etc.. and just be honest.



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