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rEvolve Kickstarter launched! Moves Vive’s weight to forehead, plus it makes it a flipup display


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In direct competition to the new Deluxe Audio Strap that HTC announced, there is a new Kickstarter for a Vive strap that moves the weight of the Vive from the face to the forehead and adds a flip up display. The Kickstarter page is here (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1552002329/revolve-for-vive), I would be interested to hear people’s thoughts on this.

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Good luck to them! If they're smart, they'll drop by and tell us more in person.


Reasonable Kickstarter goal too - $85 doesn't seem like a crazy amount for a headset strap. (I have no idea what the Deluxe Audio Strap is going to retail for, btw.)


Anything that makes VR easier or more accessible to all is a good thing!

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Thanks, I wouldn't say we are smart, but we do appriciate fellow VR fan feedback. Which there has been a TON of on the Vive subreddit today. (https://www.reddit.com/r/Vive/comments/5n4ypn/revolve_kickstarter_launched_takes_vives_weight/)


If you or anyone else in the Viveport community have any questions please do not hesitiate to ask. 




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looks great- good luck with it- i`ll be following progress with great interest. while i`m on the subject of great, let me thank you for the tip about the facepad. i`ve removed mine now and you really can see much, much better. have lined the inside with some felt fabric and is far better. great!

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