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Original Vive has worked fine for years.... when I start SteamVR I now get a grey screen and it says that the headset is not tracking. So, far I have tried:

- Uninstalling USB drivers
- Changing USB ports, bypassing the link box, etc. 
- Base stations in both modes
- Reinstalling Steam and SteamVR
- Buying a new USB3 PCI board based on FL1100 chipset and switching to Fresco USB3 drivers (followed by repeat of all of the above as this didn't help either)
- Opened up base stations (they're so old as to be out of warranty anyway). One had white dust everywhere where it looks like a plastic laser lens had exploded. The other seemed to have one dead laser diode. Extracted the laser diode from the blown up one that seemed to be working ok and transferred it to the other one so that it had 2 operational laser diodes. STILL no dice....
- Gut tells me this is a software issue but not sure what I can do next - how can I diagnose if its the base stations or the headset?

Any pointers would be appreciated as at this rate the whole thing is trash. 

  • I tried switching on the controllers to see if they are tracked. They're not so I am assuming it's the base station or something with software. Have ordered a new base station to see if that helps at all but I have a nasty feeling it's just software.....


New base station arrived and just trying the brand new base station in mode A - still got grey screen (no tracking) in headset. 

Switched on the base station that I did open heart laser diode surgery on together with the brand new one (modes B+C) and finally tracking kicked back into life and I was able to do Room Setup and all that afresh!

So, in conclusion it looks like it was a hardware issue but I am not quite sure why it didn't track with just the one base station as that's what it had been doing fine for months. The fact that the base stations rely on mechanical motors to operate feels like a major point of weakness in the whole setup. 


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