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Headset not tracking - probably my fault

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Hi all!


After having the og Vive for a few years I opted for a new Cosmos elite, as the index isn't available here in Aus yet. However I have a bit of an issue...


I had done the lens mod for the vive, and the correction config file made the cosmos bend a little weirdly at the edges. I went back into.the lighthouse update command line and re-uploaded the original config file (backed up from tbefore the lens mod was installed). However from that point my Elite won't track the headset at all. The wands track fine, everything has been firmware updates etc etc, but I'm worried because the elite was plugged in when the reupdate happened I might have overwritten something that shouldn't have been.


Could someone out there download their standard Cosmos Elite config json and send it to me? Hoping that'll fix the problem! Cheers!

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