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ViveInput.GetAxis(handrole, ControllerAxis.CapSenseGrip) returns values form joystick X axis on Quest

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Not sure what is going on...as I understand it, CapSenseGrip should return the value of the Grip trigger on Quest, is this correct? Instead I am getting values from X axis of joystick.

Unity 2020.3.3.f1


XR Plugin Management 4.0.5

Oculus XR Plugin 1.8.1

I am using the old input system from Unity.


Thanks for the feedback!

Its seems to be a bug, will fix in next update.


If need it, you can hot fix yourself by modifying following line



state.SetAxisValue(VRModuleRawAxis.TouchpadX, primary2DAxis.x);
state.SetAxisValue(VRModuleRawAxis.TouchpadY, primary2DAxis.y);


It seems odd but VRModuleRawAxis.TouchpadX/Y actually means "primary axis X/Y" now. (See how the field treated in ControllerState.cs if you are interested)

Briefly, the weird naming was a legacy design issue.

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