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Menu lagging like crazy


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I initially  had a lot of issues with lag in games but was able to resolve it.  My cpu fan was clogged up with dust and the draw from the Vive kept crashing it.  I was also overclocking my cpu.  I cleaned out the dust and had a lot of success but had some lag problems off and on.  I stopped overclocking (?!)  my cpu and everything was running great.  Now games are good but the menu screen lags like crazy.  I very much prefer that to the games lagging and can live with it if I have to but it used to be so smooth.  Any ideas on why the games would run great but the menu screen (choosing games from library) is dropping so many frames?

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Waking this question back up because I am having the same issue with my SteamVR menu. This has kind of been happening for a while now for me but I just kind of ignored it because I wasn't going in the SteamVR menu as much before when in game but now I am. SteamVR menu is pretty much not usable for me when in game but before I start up a game, it's perfectly fine.


My specs are:

Ryzen 7 1700 @3.45GHz


Radeon RX470


Games play at playable framerates for me but the SteamVR Menu while in game moves like a snail. For example I was just playing Project Cars, I tried to use the SteamVR Menu to reply to a friend's message but I couldn't, it was repsonding to my inputs like 10secs later. Same thing was also happening in this other game I was playing not too long ago called Eleven: Table Tennis VR.


When I first got my Vive back in Feburary, I don't remember this happening, even after my upgrade to Ryzen, things actually got better in VR. But sometimes a couple months ago this started happening. I don't think anything I installed might have changed anything relating to it because my setup hasn't changed much at all for a little while.

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