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RenderCamera Tracking


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I am having an issue using the SRWorks SDK in a newer version of Unity (2021.1.12f1). There are some obsolete method calls (in ViveSR_Settings.cs and ReconstructedAssestImporter.cs) which I think I fixed. However, when I run the sample scene, the RenderCamera objects (left and right) do not seem to move with the headset. This is despite the fact that the TrackedCamera objects (left and right) both track fine.


My question is: What function (and in what script) handles the movement of the RenderCamera objects? It seems clear that ViveSR_DualCameraRig.cs handles movement of the TrackedCamera objects (via SetCameraPoses), but I can't find the analogous call for the RenderCameras.


Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

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