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VDA Q&A: Kodon





You've just been nominated for a Viveport Developer Award, how do you feel?


Glorious! We are still an early access app, so to be considered in this category is a great honor.


Where did the idea for Kodon come from?


The idea was based on our own development team's need to create 3D models. The supreme user experience provided by the Vive seemed to be the perfect combination. We made a demo video on Reddit that caused a lot of attention, and many people asked us to release an early version.


How big is your team and how long did it take to develop?


We have a team of 4 people with various associates. Kodon is about 5 months into development, but it is not done yet.


Tell us something about Kodon that we wouldn’t know from just experiencing it on Viveport?


Kodon works quite well for 3D-printing. Try it!


During the development process, did anything surprise you along the way you didn’t expect?


The amount of people who wanted to try it in Early Access!


What do you hope people take away from Kodon overall?


I hope Kodon demonstrates the professional future of VR as a tool.


Are you planning future updates and adding more features to Kodon?


Yes! We are at v0.50 and we're released at v1.0. So keep expecting more!


What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen built?


I think the most weirdest thing I've seen is this 3D-printed alien gnome flower pot (Imgur link):



What’s one piece of advice you’d give to other developers?


Don't underestimate the ambitions and dreams of VR users! They are going to imagine doing stuff with your program that you never even considered.


Kodon is available on Viveport.


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