>Yes, these APIs are supported on Focus 3 from Wave 4.x series.
On UE4.26.2 this example didn't work for us. Can you confirm
Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol WVR_ShowPassthroughUnderlay referenced in function "public: virtual enum WVR_Result __cdecl FWaveVRAPIWrapper::ShowPassthroughUnderlay(bool)" (?ShowPassthroughUnderlay@FWaveVRAPIWrapper@@UEAA?AW4WVR_Result@@_N@Z)
from adding the following function to WaveVRAPIWrapper.h
Noting that WaveVRAPIWrapper is also using functions from the same Library (wvr_system.h)
/* Passthrough */
virtual WVR_Result ShowPassthroughUnderlay(bool show) { return WVR_ShowPassthroughUnderlay(show); }
Are you planning to support Vive Flow with Unreal properly?
With Direct Preview UE4.26.2 / Wave SDK 4.3.0-r5.1 , tracking of the HMD works with USB cable but with WIFI connection always goes to timeout.
Neither Wifi or USB connect shows image on HMD.
It would be useful if Android Phone Controller input could be used in DP mode
>Due to privacy policy, we do not offer ways to access the raw camera images, but here’re some examples on how to use our existing WAVE Passthrough Underlay/Overlay APIs.
Are these APis supported on Focus 3? @Tony PH Lin
HTC reps in Aus told me last week that beta UE4.27 support may be coming this month.
Has any UE devs here confirm that the current UE4.26 support for Focus 3 is good enough to ship with?
Vive folks, it would be good to see some more docs for UE development. Including a sample project known to work. @Marc Moukarzel