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Everything posted by HackPerception

  1. , This is possible but extremely unlikely given how the housing of the Vive is constructed - you'd be able to visibly see that the camera module is misaligned. Like I said, there was a known issue on the SteamVR/OpenVR side but that was patched by Valve in 2018 - that bug caused an issue very similar to what you're describing - I'll see if I can pull it up in the changelogs. The best thing to do in the case may be to open the VR mirror, and post a screenshot that shows both eyes and the offsets you're describing so we can get a better feel for what you're encountering.
  2. There are legal complexities surrounding this branch of features. I am working behind the scenes on trying to drive this forward and will update this thread with any new information I am able to obtain.
  3. , The adapter is designed to quickly allow you to switch from wireless to wired without having to uninstall the PCI-E card. If the linkbox has the HDMI lead plugged in, SteamVR will search for a wired HMD and not the wireless and display 208 if no wired unit is found. If the linkbox has only power and the USB leads plugged in, it will act as a bluetooth transciver for the watchman boards (i.e. it will be able to communciate with the basestations to enable bluetooth power management).
  4. , We're still working with AMD and OEMs on this - this centers around how OEMs implemented the Ryzen architecture into their motherboard designs rather than the wireless adapter card itself. , I would generally not recommend purchasing a wireless adapter if you have a Ryzen based motherboard. This is a pretty motherboard specific type of error so your success will depend mostly on which specific MB you have - some work just fine, others see the watchdog error. I would recommend using the exceptions return pathway we've created for affected customers if your motherboard is not working with the adapter. If any substantial updates occur, it would be the type of thing you'd see posted here and on popular VR channels such as Reddit. That said, reviewing your post history it seems like you have a unique case as you did not actually order the wireless adapter (but rather a DAS), and that you're not seeing the watchdog error we're tracking with Ryzen systems. It could be another permutation of the motherboard behaviors we're tracking, possibly driver related (but I'm doubtful given the steps you've taken), or the wired linkbox is still plugged in (which would throw up similar error logs).
  5. , I understand your frustration about silence, aside from the offical statement posted here, we're unable to speak into the investigation from a legal prospective as it involves numerous companies such as OEMs. We certainly have a vested interest in getting to the bottom of this and doing our best to ensure a positive customer outcome - it's just pretty complex behind the scenes. I personally apologize for not replying to this thread sooner.
  6. , I understand your frustration about silence, aside from the offical statement posted here, we're unable to speak into the investigation from a legal prospective as it involves numerous companies such as OEMs. We certainly have a vested interest in getting to the bottom of this and doing our best to ensure a positive customer outcome - it's just pretty complex behind the scenes. I personally apologize for not replying to this thread sooner.
  7. Hello all, I just sent out an internal email about this. I totally understand how frustrating this bug can be, especially if you're doing public demos. I want to use this post to restate that if you unplug the controller, and replug it back in - it should flip from orange to the correct white charge state if the battery is fully charged. I know it's not ideal but it is a way to get the LED to report the correct charge state if you absolutely need to know.
  8. , We've opened an inquiry into your specific report and the overall support status of SRWorks on Titan series GPUs. The inquiry may take additional time due to the US holidays but we're definitely looking into it alongside Nvidia. We'll post any updates we may have in this thread. , I'm sending you a PM - please be on the lookout for it.
  9. , as stated numerous times, SteamVR 2.0 basestations are managed, manufactured, and owned entirely by Valve and not HTC. We're not the ones who make the decisions about 2.0 rollout, Valve is. You should consider contacting Valve through their partnerships page as we simply don't have the authorization to sell individual basestations.
  10. , When you hover over the icon for an installed title, a "..." icon apears in the bottom righthand corner. You open that context menu and select "remove from PC".
  11. , I just tested this and was unable to launch the app into VR mode - something in a recent SteamVR update may have broken it. The publisher on DOTA 2 is Valve, you may want to drop a note on the SteamVR and DOTA2 discussion boards or try and submit a support ticket to let them know that feature may be broken.
  12. , Did it work after motion smoothing was added to the main branch? That's a pretty old app and it may not be seeing updates anymore and may be conflicting with newer SteamVR rendering technologies. I'll try to give this a go tmw.
  13. Just going to pop in and comment that we're still not encouraging customers to attempt this and that the wireless adapter is still certified strictly for desktop usage. There are a number of hardware, driver, and other software limitations that will prevent most eGPUs from working with the wireless adapter. We've been investigating this behind the scenes and have yet to find something that works reliably enough to recommend - most setups just outright don't work.
  14. , Pretty much what's said above; the basestations can drive a number of devices and safety and practicality are typically the top two concerns. If you provide more specific details about your use case, I'd be happy to discuss what's applicable to your specific situation.
  15. , Unfortunately as stated above, that error type will require an RMA in order to diagnose and correct. That repair will be covered under warranty. Please copy the serial number down from the affected unit and contact live chat (not the email us form) for your region. https://www.vive.com/us/support/contactus/
  16. , we've not been able to replicate this but I am forwarding it to our web team to look into it further. Are you able to use Edge to handle the work you're attempting to do in the dev console?
  17. , I'll press for a public update on this - getting firmware revisions authored, QA'ed, and pushed into production is a pretty lengthy process as a bad update could negativity affect the entire user-base.
  18. , I've started a support ticket with the email address associated with your forum accounts so I can directly connect you with a team member that's able to help you debug the issue you're encountering. As synthesis said, you're still able to use the HMD via Steam/SteamVR without the Vive installer completing.
  19. , Try pairing it to a different dongle and report back - we can replace the dongle if it comes to that. Are the dongle's spaced out at all? The tracker relies on a dongle (and comes with the cradle) because they use pretty powerful bluetooth transmitters. If you crowd the dongles too close together, the wireless radios will begin talking over one another (bluetooth co-channel interference) so I'd also ask you to space out the dongles out from each other. On that note, bluetooth operates at 2.45Ghz - very close to the 2.4Ghz carrier wave used by WiFi. Too much interference from 2.4Ghz WiFi can cause co-channel interference and reduce the number of devices you host in a given RF environment which can also produce the types of issues you're describing.
  20. , I've moved your question into the WaveSDK so it has visibility to the correct team. I believe you have to launch it via adb or Vysor - or can confirm (I mostly work on Desktop VR). An example command to launch an app via adb would be: # run an app: adb shell am start -n <package-name>/<activity-name> # e.g. adb shell am start -n com.htc.bowshot_3DOF/com.htc.vr.unity.WVRUnityVRActivity A full list of abd tips and commands for the Focus can be found here: https://community.viveport.com/t5/Vive-Wave-SDK/Android-Debug-Bridge-Tips/td-p/13288
  21. , Is it always the same controller - reliably regardless of which "hand" it intializes into? Do you see any colleration between which basestation you're facing when tracking goes wonky? Have you tried plugging your Vive into other USB ports on your PC? Sometimes this can be caused by a USB bandwidth limitation - another way to help test for this is to disable the Vive's camera within SteamVR's desktop settings page. Disabling the camera is a reliable way to help workaround USB bandwidth/host controller issues. There is a helpful "unpairall" procedure which can be very handy. with SteamVR closed, open explorer to ...STEAM\steamapps\common\SteamVR\tools\lighthouse\bin\win32 On a default install, this location is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\tools\lighthouse\bin\win32 Run lighthouse_console.exe as an administrator It will spam a console, type unpairall then hit enter. The command should execute sucessfully and you can close the console All controllers will now be unpaired, try to repair the controllers via the standard pairing procedure.
  22. , Check out OVRDrop and Virtual Desktop - they give you more ability to alter how the feed is displayed whereas Bigscreen is limited to specific pre-built environments (hence why I've never found a use-case for it personally). In any case, all of these solutions just reproject 2D windows into a 3D environment and by no means a native 3D/VR UI/UX which we'll assumedly see as adaptation becomes more widespread.
  23. , There is not yet a VR native interface for platforms like Netflix and other streaming services. You can only adopt the content into desktop VR by basically piping that window into your virtual environment. Three apps that allow you to do this are Bigscreen, Virtual Desktop, and OVRDrop. OVRDrop is special in the sense that it allows you to composite any 2D window into any SteamVR session but it may not be what you're looking for. Some pages have WebXR integration which will allow for a VR native experience but we're still in the early days of WebXR.
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