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  1. Thats what I thought too. 1 is 1 m. But it isnt. Because it is not the global 1m it is the 1 of the scale of the specific object. I would like to have that an object with 1.5 as scale has the same scale as another object with 1.5 @Daniel_Y
  2. Hello, when I Import fbx objects from blender to Unity with fbx Units scale. They appear so much bigger then they should. Is it a Problem of the Settings of my srworks camera or what can I do? I want them to be in a normal size.
  3. Ok it works for the camera part, but the rendered objects in my Scene which are virtual didnt Change. I dont know how to fix this and for me its just important to post process the virtual part. @Daniel_Y
  4. No thats not what I mean. https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/essentials/post-processing-stack-83912 I want to use this. But I dont know if it could be a Problem because of the live Images of the world to use it. And I dont knw where I should put the filter on. @Daniel_Y
  5. Is it possible to use steamvr and SRWorks with post processing? On which camera do I have to put it? On both eyes? Thanks for your help.
  6. Hello, i want to make a Scene with the combination of AR and VR. SRworks works fine for me but I have the Problem that I cant place the virtual objects in the Right Location of the real world. Ist hard to find the Right coordinates and I have the Feeling that the Unity Scene and ist Location Change sometime randomly and moves out of place. For example I would like to replace a real wall with a virtual wall to have a smooth Transition between the Worlds. or the Ground should be where the real Ground is. Can someone help me? @Daniel_Y @reneeclchen
  7. Thanks It works. I managed to make it run by myself. works fine. thanks for your help 🙂
  8. I try to use SRWorks with the Hand Tracking but it doesnt work out. The Hands doesnt Show up. Has someone ever used it? Thank you 🙂
  9. Hello, i use the beta Version of SRWorks. Everthing works fine, but I need some more information about the use of depth Image occlusion. How can i use the depth mask/Image? Can I use my own filter on it? How can I stabilize the depth Interpretation? Actually it flickers really strong. Thanks for your help. @Daniel_Y @reneeclchen
  10. Hi, I'm interested too. It would be nice if you could add me. Thanks.
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