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Blog Comments posted by Navid

    VR for Impact

    Hi @Rockjaw, Hi 

    Like  and , I have worked on a proposal. Today I found that the initial application period has finished unexpectedly (without any prior deadline announcement). Is it still possible to send proposals?


  1. Hi ,


    Yesterday I submitted VIVE Tracker Developer Kit Application Form. There are two fields that when I changed the country, they became hidden:

    1. Have you ever created any VR project or content
    2. Please list out the titles of the projects or contents

    I tried both Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge and tried different countries. Only selecting Austria as the country (the default option) shows these fields.

    Is it a bug in the Application Form?




    Announcing our third group of VDA nominees!

    Hi ,

    Like other participants, our team tried their best to submit an exciting VR app before VDA submission deadline. In addition to months of hard work, we went on no sleep for about 28 hours straight before submitting the app, in order to provide a compelling immersive shopping experience for the users. We really hope that the Viveport team could review and publish the “Hill’s Native Art VR Shop” before the VDA deadline, so that we get a chance to participate in this wonderful competition.

    I also sent you a duplicate of this post as a private message in case you missed reading it here before the deadline :)



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