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  1. I found that the problem was due to the improper recognition of Vive Focus3 device on my desktop PC. I repeated connecting and disconnecting Vive Focus3 device to my desktop PC, several times. And it is finally recognized correctly as follows: Thank you for your help.
  2. Sorry for giving you inconvenience. I found that the problem was due to the improper recognition of Vive Focus3 device on my desktop PC. I repeated connecting and disconnecting Vive Focus3 device to my desktop PC, several times. And it is finally recognized correctly as follows: Thank you for your help.
  3. I imported samples from 'VIVE Wave XR Plugin - Essence' package and found that there is a sample project titled as 'PassThroughOverlay'. When I try to build and run the project on my Vive Focus 3 device, it fails to run with the following error message: So, I tried to change the project's minimum API level from 25 to 24 under 'Project Settings > Player > Other Settings > Minimum API Level', but it still fails to run on my Vive Focus 3 device with the following error message: Could you give me some help for fixing the problem? PS. For your information, I updated to VIVE Focus 3 Software(FOTA 3.3) 3.0.999.368 which was released February 23rd, 2022 in order to keep my Vive Focus 3 device up-to-date,
  4. Hi, @Alex_HTC Thank you for your sharing 'WavePassthroughOverlayExample' project. To build and run your project, I did the following steps: (Step 1) Open your project with Unity 2019.4.30f1. (Step 2) Open 'SampleScene' under 'Assets > Scenes' (Step 3) Switch 'Build Settings' from PC to Android by clicking 'Switch Platform' button (Step 4) Click 'Build And Run' button But, it fails to run on my Vive Focus 3 device with the following error message: Could you give me some help for fixing the problem? PS1. To keep my Vive Focus 3 device up-to-date, I updated to VIVE Focus 3 Software (FOTA 3.3) 3.0.999.368 which was released February 23rd, 2022. PS2. I also tried to change your project's minimum API level from 26 to 24 under 'Project Settings > Player > Other Settings > Minimum API Level', but it still fails to run on my Vive Focus 3 device with the following error message:
  5. Hi @Tony PH Lin, I also use RTX 2080Ti and SRWorks doesn't seem to work well. Could you add me to the beta? Thanks, in advance! PS. By the way, why does SRWorks 0.7.5 does work well with RTX 2080 Ti? I have no problem while I run example codes for SRWorks 0.7.5.
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