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Everything posted by Blackgoldfish

  1. Hello. I realize I may not be using the right terminology. What I mean to ask is: Is the Cosmos meant to have edge to edge clarity? I also wish I could move this thread to technical support but can't seem to do that myself. I see a lot more support response there. Should I repost or can this thread be moved by admin? Thanks! @stvnxu
  2. When I go into the steam controller remapping settings it says it can't find any controllers.. and that is while the Cosmos controllers are bright and tracked. Can you please give more details on exactly how to do this in case I have found the wrong menus? Followed whatever clues I could find on google but an officially recommended and documented approach would be fantastic. Thanks! @VibrantNebula
  3. I should amend this with a follow up question... will try to find an application to test this but if the focus remains so central, how will this work on applications with a HUD where relevant data is only printed in the peripheral? @stvnxu @Synthesis
  4. Hello. Will the Cosmos ever be able to handle focus diameter improvements? Is it a hardware limitation or can software widen the area of focus? Currently with latest beta patches (Oct 8th) about 20% of the distance away from middle towards the edge picks up blur and at 30% you have to turn your head to keep any detail. The CV1 you can get to 80% before focus degradation starts to creep in. This allows you to do things like read messages on screens with your eyes which is pretty nice. In Cosmos currently, even if you are watching the big screen in the viveport library, you have to turn your head to focus on each title separately below. Even looking at the middle of the preview screen which is kinda far away, you can't look at the edges of the preview display without turning your head a lot. Looking forward to hearing if this narrow area of focus is an intentional 'feature' to increase the clarity of just that region, or if this is a known issue that is planned on being resolved. (I wrote this entry spanning my entire monitor with only moving my eyes. It was pretty nice) Thanks!
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