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Posts posted by Hooflee

  1. 15 hours ago, TomCgcmfc said:

    @Hooflee In Australia the original price of the Elite faceplate-only was aud$349.  This is now aud$399 but includes a free copy of Alyx  (worth about aud$84).  So, technically maybe a bit of discount but not much, lol!  Honestly, for me, Vive would either need to offer this faceplate free and/or fix inside-out tracking before I'll take my OG Cosmos out of its box again.

    Not much of a discount seeing as I already bought the game already....

    • Like 1
  2. Any chance of a promo  code for people who own the cosmos ?

    I've also got an og vive base station and controllers so just a discount on the faceplate would be awesome.

    I would like to take my cosmos out of storage and actually use it ^_^

  3. Any chance of a new type of controller in the near future?

    I've just recently got myself a used vive to get ready for the faceplate and I got to say, nowhere near as ergo as the cosmos controller.

    With the index controllers out and pimax releasing their sword sense I hope you guys step up your game and release something to rip the competition 

    • Thanks 1
  4. An extra 400 on top of what we paid to turn our cosmos into and elite?

    Not a completely terrible price, but I wish this version came out first so I could have bought that instead.

    But seriously though going from Cosmos controls back to vive wands feels like stepping down not up.



  5. 8 hours ago, skydna said:

    Dude, you don't sell something retail, high price, and expect your users to test it. That is ridiculous. When you sell an end product, it is supposed to be working. Period. When you buy a car you expect it to work, right? You don't expect steering to be all over the place, and wait for it to improve over the next months if you submit enough debug data.

    I appreciate the HTC employees in this forum, and I thank them for the effort to communicate constructively, especially since it is not their own fault the product is like it is. I also appreciate the devs working to improve it. But when I see end users trying to excuse a business practice that's toxic and ridiculous, I can't just put up with it. /rant

    Htc starting to sound like EA 

  6. Pro tip. When you first put it on and play it for the first time, and your hands do not agree with you in vr, please refrain from swearing.

    Know that this product is still being refined so if you are willing to be patient and wait for it to get better, then please contribute to these forums.

    If not maybe don't even open it and return to sender.

    I hope this being your first vr experience doesn't put you off because vr is awesome and it's getting better at a good pace.

  7. Lol. I don't check up for awhile and this post is like an overpowered bag of salt and vinegar chips.

    For the time being this is my evaluation of the current beta.

    For beat saber its good but with hints of tracking loss but not tonnes.

    Gun/rifle games. I can play contractors and Pavlov just fine with slight jitters when aiming.

    Boxing games are pretty shit, I'm doing some sweet jabs and punches Irl and in the game I've barely moved .

    Overall games are playable but still miles off what it should be, I don't mind for the time being but it's pretty sad that I can compare it to a wmr headset and the wmr wins.

    I just seriously hope you guys at htc listen and REALLY discount the faceplate for us pretty much beta testers for  your headset.

    Because if you can't get it upto par with wmr and expect me to pay as much as the headset to get external tracking this this is getting returned

  8. 1 hour ago, Sjunin said:

    hello Ajey my fault my only my fault I didn't Isee the date  of this vidéo

    I looked for a video about SAINTS AND SINNERS and a watched this

    So I have always trouble with boneworks and onward 

    I tried QUEST and this is the night and day with tracking but not with quality image 

    Forget my previous post sorry about that

    I'm going to wait 😉



    Funny. Boneworks works ok for me. (I just play like shit)

    *contains course sailor tongue language*



    • Like 3
  9. 4 minutes ago, HoZy said:



    Rev 1 doesn't sound like something to reference a box change.

    2 hours ago, hamez88 said:

    I would like to assume it would be in their best interest to offer a some sort of compensation upgrade program to early adopters if they had a rev 2 coming out that completely fixed the tracking. They have been pretty good about the whole situation so far, especially the forum mods, taking on feedback from a bunch of people.

    We can only hope, and if this isn't the case I'm definately selling off my cosmos for a rift s

  10. 4 hours ago, reaper said:

    Don't atm, I purchased cosmos first week and while it had issues with tracking it was steadily being fixed and just took bit of messing around with lights.   Right now it is completely broken I have a paperweight was fine until few days ago and headset updated now beat saber is unplayable on any difficulty where as before no issues playing expert+.  Its the final straw for me with no more info on steam vr tracking for it I am going to contact vive and Australian consumer affairs to see where I stand with a faulty product.

    @stvnxu @Synthesis @C.T.

    I want to see where this goes. Please keep us updated.

    I'm getting somewhat tempted to sell my cosmos for a rift s.

  11. The place I bought my headset changed from plain cosmos to rev 1?

    So what does this mean? I know we all bought a product that is not complete yet, but does this signify that this isn't even the final headset?

    Rather upsetting if that is the truth


  12. 15 minutes ago, Lionel said:

    Dont forget the ceiling, I am quite luck to have a weird home made light I made (low ceilings and x2 light fittings) above my head which really helps with tracking.

    I had also though to improve tracking to put LED light strips under my furniture as I have a black corner sofa and dark brown rug.


    I've actually printed off some markers and stuck them on the walls and the ceiling, I'm just wondering if it actually has any impact

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