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  1. the messages have been altered but the result is still the same. HTC VIVE COSMOS has 2 settings not enough light for tracking or to much light for tracking. I am very disappointed about the HTC Vive Cosmos. Will NEVER buy a HTC device anymore, last update was more than a month ago, and still i have the feeling that the 6 cameras are not used together or some are not used together. Raising my controller above my head always result in losing the controllerfor a moment. Making a fast movement from back to front he controller goes allover. I you not can solve the problems give the HTC Vive Cosmos buyers a discount on devices that can resove this problem.
  2. I feel a little bit cheated, will there be an extra for those people like us, who did buy a device that is already EOF after 5 months. This is not the way to solve our problems HTC, i hope HTC will come with some extra information and perheaps huge discounts for people who did buy the cosmos for 799 euro
  3. i have played a lot these last days, a lot of different games, still disapointed. Left side waist height tracking all over the place. This evening i tried to play the battlewake just for the fun of it, and after 2 minutes i could NOT reach the wheel anymore while i was still standing inside the red floor circle. It still looks like not all the camera's work together or are used all of the time. I admit you made some progress but after 4 months i had expected more.
  4. So according tou you, it's oke to release a very expensive device ( compaired against the Rift S), which you know it's faulty ( if they tested it) and then release every now and then a small update. No thats the real problem it is NOT easy, but after 2months i still can not rely on the Cosmos to have at least 1 hour without a minor or big tracking issue, THAT IS MY PROBLEM
  5. i am very sorry, but i am very disappointed about this update, controllers are more precise AT SOMETIMES. During playing in a fully lit room., i still get the message " to dark", in the old fimrware i could play on, in this firmware the controllers function sometimes. It's now holiday time, is there somebody from HTC who can tell us about a timeline, when all this will be fixed. After every update i still have to wonder about every game if it will function again or not.
  6. Have been playing for 1 hour now with new firmware update, it feels a little more precise, but a lot more floating when controllers a near to each other, have only played during the night. curious what is will be with a fully lit room. I had expected some more advancement after all these weeks,. I have to reset the room when playiing in liited space. The controller has enough buttons to getting an own button for realining room/tracking space ( sitting of a whole room)
  7. Why develop a headset with 6 RGB camera's if you have no intension of making good use of them ? I have not enough knowledge about AR but could it be that Vive is already preparing this headset for AR use also. If this headset only works perfectly with an upcomming basestation ( which is sold seperatly i presume) HTC Vive will know a lawsuit is around the corner.
  8. Very good points, also mid body tracking left and right are not consistant. But that is the strange about the Cosmos, i you play for a long time it looks like the 6 camera's are sometimes not working. The move i made 20 minutes ago without problems, the same move is now way off . After talking to vive support i do not have high hopes the Cosmos is still a priority for them. I hope i am wrong, but the last few weeks every week a big update and now a very small and not even some improvements. Until now i did not tell anybody not to buy the Cosmos, but if things are not changing very fast i will advice to all friends and clients, do not buy the Cosmos.
  9. Oke, i am getting a little bit more positive, played for a while had no strange controller issues, could play game's very well even in lit room. Looking up does not make the controllers go everywhere, all in all it seems a lot more consistent . I had ZERO freezes tracking ( that's a big improvement) . Will continue to test, but getting my hopes up again.
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