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Everything posted by dario

  1. Update to Vive SR SDK: v0.6.0.0 now available to download. 1. Unreal plugin supported. 2. Support live and adaptive mesh creation during static scan. 3. Mesh simplification and categorize plane’s colliders to Horizontal and Vertical in OBJ file if matched criteria. 4. Optimization for see-through judder removal even depth function enabled. 5. Improve dynamic mesh quality and increase its distance range from 2m to 10m. 6. Adjustable frame rate of depth stream adapted to various applications. (default 30 fps) Please see the full release notes for additional information, illustrations and known issues.
  2. I forgot to add the following keyboard input adb command: adb shell input keyevent 23 useful for selecting a popup dialog to set focus on or to 'click' on a selection or button to navigate to a button use the following key codes (includes volume control) 19 --> "KEYCODE_DPAD_UP" 20 --> "KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN" 21 --> "KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT" 22 --> "KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT" 23 --> "KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER" 24 --> "KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP" 25 --> "KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN" In summary you can use adb commands to avoid having to use or install Vysor. You can also automate standard Android UI navigation with scripts. Eventually all of the Android UI popup dialogs will be in VR, but for now (e.g. for a rom update) you can navigate and click on buttons with the keycodes above and just use adb from the command line.
  3. Hello, I'm curious as to your motion capture use cases and if you've considered a Vive Tracker only setup for motion capture. Were you able to work around the issue with the advice of using just video capture instead of infrared? I would also suggest to look at the hotspots or rather cold spots of coverage in the Tracker documentation as tracker placement could be a factor as well. Relatively speaking sensor coverage is greater on the HMD and controllers compared to the trackers, therefore placement (or how it's held) can affect tracking due to occlusion, Base station placement may need to be higher than usual to avoid occlusion. -Dario
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