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  1. I think the main problem is that the runtime exits immediately when i try to run it...
  2. Hi I'm getting an error and application quits immediatly: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Vive.Plugin.SR.ViveSR_DualCameraImagePlane.OnApplicationQuit () (at Assets/ViveSR/Scripts/ViveSR_DualCameraImagePlane.cs:655) I'm using Unity 2019.3.13f1 and SRSDK running the ViveSR_sample scene. Has anyone else experienced this? @Daniel_Y
  3. Hi, I am using a Vive Pro with a wireless adapter and ViveSR 0.9 in Unity 2019.3.2 and I am getting a white plane instead of the camera image. The camera is turned on in SteamVR and i have downloaded and installed the ViveSR runtime. Could the problem be related to the use of the wireless adapter? Thanks @Daniel_Y @Jad
  4. I am having the same issue. Can we get an update on this? @Daniel_Y
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