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Everything posted by Bon

  1. Guys! I've read all this forum + a few steam support pages. And the easiest thing worked for me: I can confirm that turning off the option "turn controller off after (x) amount of time" fixes the headset turning off after 5 minutes. Super weird, but it works!!! Here is a list of all suggestions found online, luckely the first one worked for me. I can confirm that turning off the option "turn controller off after (x) amount of time" fixes the headset turning off after 5 minutes. turn off ALL lighting on the room OpenVR Advanced Settings check steamvr / wireless https://forum.vive.com/topic/4650-vive-wireless-adapter-disconnects-after-a-few-minutes/?do=findComment&comment=33815 wireless settings "Connection Mode" so for giggles I set it to mode 3 / mode 2? replace short usb-usb with long one to test if it’s the issue usb battery cable What height is your transmitter? Do you angle it slightly upwards? software update of adapter cooler fan mod on the wireless unit rearranged my PCI-E cards (RTX 1080 & Vive Wireless Card). They used to be next to each other in the slots closest to the CPU. But now, I have the Vive Wireless card next to the CPU slot and then the GPU card now at the bottom of the motherboard furthest away from the CPU. removing overclocking fro my CPU/GPU made my Wireless a lot more stable forced my motherboard bios to PCIe Gen 3 and also ran the PCIeGenConfig.exe program in the wireless application folder and set the toggle to "Disable" (https://forum.vive.com/topic/4650-vive-wireless-adapter-disconnects-after-a-few-minutes/?do=findComment&comment=32999) 18W for OG and Pro For giggles I hooked up the original link box for the cables via USB 3.0 and the power plug with nothing else attached and then installed the bluetooth drivers and setup for the lighthouse power to be controlled via Steam VR. Tested that the lighthouses were powering up and down when starting and closing Steam VR and they were. replace An RF Module (https://pdaspare.ru/catalogue/vive/wireless-adapter/54h20659-00m) replace powerbank - Aukey brand, with 3 times the storage capacity. rollback steam vr
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