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Everything posted by KyleC

  1. Hi @kusomaigo, Thanks for your reporting. The eye expression currently only works on the Vive Console Beta and the SRAnipal version is, where you were right about it. (You may get more information about using facial tracking on Focus3 by VBS here if you havne't been) Unfortunately, we are not able to reproduce this issue on our side. We tried to run EyeV2 demo (in Editor or binary) repeatedly without restart SRAnipal.exe an it all works fine. We also tried the FaceGym App and it also can work after restarting it. Currently we have no idea about your situaltion - it works only once after SRAnipal runtime starts. However, we can check again about the environment - below is our test enviroment, which I think might be a little different from your side. Vive Console Beta : SRanipal Runtime: VBS Console: 1.09.8 BETA VBS App: Focus 3 Version : 5.0.999.646 or later
  2. Hi @Kinetic Games, We are looking forward to clarifying the issue you are facing. We did test again our latest VIVE OpenXR plugin with Unity OpenXR controller sample and all inputs including joystick x/y are working as usual. It's kind of wierd that you mentioned about the issue just happens with the lastest update since we did not modified any of related inputs. It'll be nice if you could provide more information and whether you could get it work with Unity OpenXR controller sample.
  3. @arnesdn, could you check the compatibility mode should be off when you are targeting focus3 controller profile? The setting is located in Settings->Input->Controller.
  4. Hi @Kinetic Games, could I know which game engine you are developing with? And only Primary2DAxis (joystick X/Y) is not working? Which OpenXR runtime your are using for VIVE Cosmos - VIVE OpenXR or SteamVR? It will be helpful if you can provide those infos for us to dig into it.
  5. Hi @arnesdn, The feature of supporting focus3 controller profile on VBS is now on Beta only. You can switch to VBS Beta if you'd like to try. However, it will be published out later this week. (after 11/3) You could also wait for it if you are not quite urgent.
  6. Hi, For "Register", we only provide the feature of facial tracking extension so that developers can enable it to get facial tracking data via OpenXR interface if the facial kit is connected on VIVE Focus 3. As to the 90-degree rotated to the hand tracking, could I confirm again that you are using OpenVR instead OpenXR, right? The issue should not be there when you are using XR_EXT_hand_tracking since we have also tested some OpenXR content. And if you are using OpenVR, I guess you are retrieving hand skeleton data with EVRSkeletalMotionRange set to VRSkeletalMotionRange_WithController, right?
  7. Thanks for pointing it out. We do support this depth in the next pointer, but somehow it crashed. Did you try our Beta? There might be a fix related to this issue. And currently our runtime does not take OpenGL depth texture to perform anything, but App still can submit it.
  8. Hi @Courgeon, Since we cannot reproduce this issue when running "HelloXR-OpenGL-Alpha Blend mode" on VIVE Cosmos with VIVE OpenXR, some more information might help us to support you furthermore: 1. Provide your testing App if it is possible. 2. Provide the logs: Settings -> Trouble Shooting -> Report Issue. And provide the report number. Thanks.
  9. Hi @imverse, It seems we cannot reproduce the issue at our side. Could you share your Unity Editor version? If possible, could you also share the registries under "\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Khronos\OpenXR\1\ApiLayers\Implicit"? Thanks.
  10. Tried 2021.3.8f1 LTS version and it works fine. Would you try using 2021 LTS version?
  11. Hi, We don't see any issue in Unity 2020.3.25f1 LTS version. Could you share your Unity Editor version? Which might help us to reproduce this issue. Thanks.
  12. Hi @Jmangles, Did you try with the latest VIVE OpenXR PC Unity Plugin Release 1.0.0? There was a input binding correctness in runtime so you will need to update the plugin also.
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