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bipul mohanto

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  1. @Corvus, can you give me a link to download the sranipal sdk
  2. Hi! I have vive pro eye. I am using NVidia's VRWorks SDK, and need gaze data for rendering. I see the SRanipal (i am trying with C in the SDK has long been deprecated. I would really appreciate to get help on how to use it to extract real-time gaze positions.
  3. @Tony PH Lin, the OpenXRViveTracker might serve my purpose, but the documentation says it is built-in for UE 5.1 or later. I am using vive modified version UE 4.23.1. I need eye-tracked variable rate shading, currently just getting static variable rate shading.
  4. @VIVE_chengnay, I guess the UE 4.24.2 version was not compatible with the sranipal SDK I was using. Tried with,, However, now UE 4.23.1 doesn't show the plugin recompilation error. The main problem is still unsolved, the variable rate shading I can see as static. Do I need to add any blueprint to make the variable rate shading work? The tutorial did not say that.
  5. @Tony PH LinThanks for the suggestion. If I replace SRAnipal with OpenXR eye gaze, then how I will further enable and modify variable rate shading? In the same blueprint as your shared link showed?
  6. Hi! I am using Unreal Engine 4.23.1, Vive Pro Eye, SRanipal unreal plugin, sranipal runtime as per the (tutorial)[https://forum.htc.com/topic/7434-getting-started-with-vrs-foveated-rendering-using-htc-vive-pro-eye-unreal-engine/?ct=1582025406]. In the instruction it mentioned: So, I just adjusted the SRanipal and VRS from the project setting: Problem with this: I can see The VRS is only working for the left eye The gaze points are not moving, and it is a static gaze point The display is blinking on (rendered scene) and off (with black screen) Do I have to modify the project from blueprint? In the same project the gaze points are seems to work, here is the blueprint: What I am missing here to make the variable rate shading dynamic?
  7. Hi @GestureLab@VIVE_Jason_Lu, I am using Unreal 4.23.1 (VRS modified version), and SRanipal I have also tried with SRanipal and All have the same problem, the gaze position is not moving, it is fixed at the center of the screen. Otherwise, the eye calibration and sranipal runtime are working fine. I am using win10 OS. Also, changed `SRanipal.uplugin` "Installed": false to "Installed": true as suggested here. No effect.
  8. From Marios Bikos' [Blog](https://forum.htc.com/topic/7434-getting-started-with-vrs-foveated-rendering-using-htc-vive-pro-eye-unreal-engine/#comment-32451), I am working with Variable Rate Shading, with the vive unreal 4.23.1, sranipal Calibration, sranipal runtime everything is working fine. But I cannot see the eye tracking working in the project. It is now a static VRS. I have followed all instructions carefully. Please help.
  9. I have resolved all the previously posted issues. I want to delete the post, but I am unable. Could the page administrator please take action?
  10. @ArAnish, did you mean .uproject file? I tried this, but getting the same error message as this question mentioned, any solution?
  11. In connection with my question, cannot I build the unreal engine while the sranipal is in the source plugins folder `C:\UnrealEngine\Engine\Plugins`? While I was trying this: the output build messages were with error message: Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error MSB3075 The command "..\..\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat -Target="UE4Editor Win64 Development" -Target="ShaderCompileWorker Win64 Development -Quiet" -WaitMutex -FromMsBuild" exited with code 5. Please verify that you have sufficient rights to run this command. UE4 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\VC\VCTargets\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets 44 1> Running UnrealHeaderTool UE4Editor "C:\UnrealEngine\Engine\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Development\UE4Editor.uhtmanifest" -LogCmds="loginit warning, logexit warning, logdatabase error" -Unattended -WarningsAsErrors 1>C:/UnrealEngine/Engine/Plugins/SRanipal/Source/SRanipalEye/Public/DartBoard.h(25) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module. 1>C:/UnrealEngine/Engine/Plugins/SRanipal/Source/SRanipalEye/Public/DartBoard.h(27) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module. 1>C:/UnrealEngine/Engine/Plugins/SRanipal/Source/SRanipalEye/Public/DartBoard.h(29) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module. 1>C:/UnrealEngine/Engine/Plugins/SRanipal/Source/SRanipalEye/Public/SRanipal_AvatarEyeSample.h(28) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module. 1>C:/UnrealEngine/Engine/Plugins/SRanipal/Source/SRanipalEye/Public/SRanipal_AvatarEyeSample.h(31) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module. 1>C:/UnrealEngine/Engine/Plugins/SRanipal/Source/SRanipalEye/Public/SRanipal_AvatarEyeSample.h(34) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module. 1>C:/UnrealEngine/Engine/Plugins/SRanipal/Source/SRanipalEye/Public/SRanipal_AvatarEyeSample.h(36) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module. 1>C:/UnrealEngine/Engine/Plugins/SRanipal/Source/SRanipalEye/Public/SRanipal_AvatarEyeSample.h(38) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module. 1>C:/UnrealEngine/Engine/Plugins/SRanipal/Source/SRanipalEye/Public/SRanipal_AvatarEyeSample.h(41) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module. 1>C:/UnrealEngine/Engine/Plugins/SRanipal/Source/SRanipalEye/Public/SRanipal_AvatarEyeSample.h(43) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module. 1>C:/UnrealEngine/Engine/Plugins/SRanipal/Source/SRanipalEye/Public/SRanipal_AvatarEyeSample.h(46) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module. 1>C:/UnrealEngine/Engine/Plugins/SRanipal/Source/SRanipalEye/Public/SRanipal_AvatarEyeSample.h(50) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module. 1>C:/UnrealEngine/Engine/Plugins/SRanipal/Source/SRanipalLip/Public/SRanipal_AvatarLipSample.h(27) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module. 1>C:/UnrealEngine/Engine/Plugins/SRanipal/Source/SRanipalLip/Public/SRanipal_AvatarLipSample.h(31) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module. 1>C:/UnrealEngine/Engine/Plugins/SRanipal/Source/SRanipalLip/Public/SRanipal_AvatarLipSample.h(34) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module. 1>C:/UnrealEngine/Engine/Plugins/SRanipal/Source/SRanipalLip/Public/SRanipal_AvatarLipSample.h(36) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module. 1>C:/UnrealEngine/Engine/Plugins/SRanipal/Source/SRanipalLip/Public/SRanipal_AvatarLipSample.h(38) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
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