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Posts posted by bella-1995

  1. sorry, but maybe here i have a problem? (56-118) it's my custom code. 60 - 97 i check to press trigger on controller (if pressed i add a gameobject to gameobject list where i save all gameobject which i select from raycast). If this code without problem i will try to get clear project only with problem..

  2. @chengnay I use Vive Input Utility example scen (ugui scen) this scen have all scripts what i use. I just add Debug.Log(raycastResult). And debug log shows me that raycast hitting all object in scen(You can see the result in example.zip which I added at the top). Both cubes have a box collider. Canvas have a canvas target. Nothing has been added to the scene except a couple of cubes and a debug log. if you really need the sources, I'll try to get them.

  3. Now when I interact with the ui I accidentally click on the object behind the ui, I have a script added to the object so that when I select it with a raycast I can paint it. So when I click on the ui I select the ui and the object behind and both scripts are triggered..

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