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Posts posted by vrwanter

  1. 18 minutes ago, C.T. said:

    It should always be like this for Focus 3.

    Hmm ok, actually, even though I see if in my library online  (not in the headset)  and the money came out of my bank, when I go to purchase history, the transaction says failed  in order detail - maybe that's got something to do with it?



  2. 5 hours ago, C.T. said:

    You will have to register your focus 3 into the DMS first, then go into manage content tab to assign the licensed content to the device you would like to use. 

    Thanks, I haven't had to do this with any other apps. Is this a new thing? I really like the headset, but I probably shouldn't have bought a business headset 😞

  3. I've been mucking around with my Focus 3 bindings and I just can't get anywhere close to a usable experience. Has anyone got this working?

    It works fine with my Quest 2, but I'm hoping to play some with my now that the streaming is so much better.

  4. 1 hour ago, Tausendberg said:

    So here I have the streaming bitrate set to 75 mbps and the profile set to performance and it's maxing out the 80 mhz channel according to my router, is it possible I'm misunderstanding something?


    I think you might be misunderstanding? The headset is connecting at 1200mbps, but if you look at you network traffic in task manager, it will only be sending 75mbps over the link.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Raeldor said:

    I came to the same conclusion.  It definitely seems to be the encoder letting it down, and I couldn't find any config settings to change the encoder apart from the bitrate.  Really disappointing. 😞

    Yeah it's a bummer.. Maybe we can start hassling HTC about this specifically now though haha

    I notice the other profiles have FPS, maybe it would be worth changing to 72 and see how it goes quality wise.. Would prefer not to lose any framerate, but for some things it might be fine. I'll try it tomorrow maybe.

  6. Have a look in this thread -

    I've just tried it out with my 3070 (my 3080 won't fit in this PC I have - long story) but hope to have it running soon for some more testing - thought I'd just dump this all here in case it helps anyone.

    Changing to 1.3, RX and RY at 2448 and BR at 125000000 my 3070 is running at constant 100% encode and 54% GPU in SteamVR home

    1.3, RX and RY at 2448 and BR at 100000000 (200mbps) Encoder still at 100% and GPU still at 54%

    Even when I go as low as 40000000 it's still at 100% for the encoder

    1.2, RX and RY at 2448 and BR at 100000000 Encoder still at 100%

    I've got to go down to 1.1, to get the encoder down to 90% and GPU then jumps to 60% (RX and RY at 2448 and BR at 100000000) resolution in Streaming app reports as 2692x2692

    It seems like it's the encoder letting us down at the moment. I could be wrong, but I think the encoder in the 3080 isn't much better for encoding...

    Wonder if we can change the codec at all






  7. The F3 is a nice headset, but yeah, I'd agree, if you want to stream wireless or wired, you're better off with a Q3, the image is just so much better overall. It pains me to say it because the image on the F3 is really nice, try watching a movie in immersed and it looks lovely, but the Vive streaming app is just too low quality.

  8. I hate to be the one to tell you, but yes, it's that blurry. Some games are worse than others, but you're not going to get it crisp with the current limitations on streaming.

    We've been asking for better options for ages and the official line is something like: There are other things that the streaming relies on that need to be optimised before the streaming settings can be increased.

    I honestly don't think it will ever happen now and I know there have been challenges for the dev team, but adding features seems to be very slow for this headset (not trying to pay out on devs or anything, I'm thinking it's more likely due to resource issues - it usually is..)

  9. I have similar issues sometimes, but it works for me when I do this:

    - (Make sure your boundary is set up)

    - Make sure Steam is completely closed

    - Open Vive Business Streaming app on your PC

    - Set the quality level you want in the app

    - Open Steam and SteamVR - make sure SteamVR loads ok and shows the thumbnails of your headset and controllers

    - In the headset, open the Streaming app

    Not sure if this will work for you, but hopefully it will. I found that my SteamVR would not load properly sometimes and the headset would sit on the blue spinning thing. Sometimes SteamVR would crash and try to reload multiple times - opening before the streaming app in the headset seemed to alleviate this.


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