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  1. Ok my case is solved, I received new file to replace old one. HTC support helped. Thank you for help. 1.2.4 is definetely bugged.
  2. I was able to acces setting only if I had installed business hub with streaming hub. If I have installed solo streaming hub it is restarting all the time - here is screen recorded what is goin on with my logs: https://1drv.ms/f/s!Ap7W8_DngpZfgY155Q2Rm5Mk0oIH0Q?e=sHdIPJ Still waiting for solution. I tried also replace file with your from posts above. Did not help.
  3. Unfortunately after steps you mentioned it still does not work. I opted into beta, opted out. uninstalled, deleted folder then installed again. Streaming hub is starting, working for 2-3 secs and it's gone resetting or shutting down. Before this new version of streaming hub it worked fine...
  4. I am little jelous 🙂 May I ask for help too?
  5. As I see and read on this topic, everyone has the same issue. Good info - I am not alone in this. I am waiting patiently for fix. I think problem is with Oops info - Steam VR is not seeing googles at all, it says that googles are not connected. But they are and I see Steam library installed earlier in VR. When I start game it says: lost connection. Even in usb mode.
  6. This are my logs: https://1drv.ms/f/s!Ap7W8_DngpZfgY1p7HO7aqRpyqDu3Q?e=SvRFNL
  7. Hello, I have on my XR Elite problem as all users. I see messsage Oops all the time on the console. I cant connect with Steam VR. Nothing works now. Tried everything. How can I reset to older version of software?
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