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Nobody at HTC Vive is responding to my RMA requests via email.


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I have two problems with my HTC VIve motion controllers. One problem is that the Touchpad button no longer clicks in the 2 to 3 oclock position. One of my Vive controllers no longer has haptic feedback, and this particular controller also doesn't make the beep noise when I turn it on. Otherwise though, both controllers work fine.


I bought my Vive in Hong Kong and I live in HK. My warrenty is for Hong Kong, Taiwan, and New Zealand if I remember correctly. 


However I have been extremely frustrated with HTC extremely poor customer service. I've been trying to do an RMA request for two weeks without any luck. According to the warranty, I need to goto Vive's Hong Kong website to contact Vive in order to do an RMA Request. The only way to contact Vive on their Hong Kong website is to fill out an email form. I've done this several times and NOBODY ever responds to my emails! This is extremely unprofessional and extremely shortsighted for a company with so many financial troubles as HTC. HTC will never be able to recover as a business if this is how they treat their paying customers. Customers will remember their terrible customer service experience, and it'll hurt Vive long term even if they save a few pennies in the short term. LG is coming out with their own VR headset soon, and Oculus just did a price cut. HTC will be finished if they don't improve their horrible customer service quickly.


My experience isn't an isolated case. Several people on the Vive Reddit forum have shared their customer service nightmares. Most of them told me the only way to reach Vive is via their live chat because they don't respond to emails, but the HK website doesn't even have a live chat option. In addition, even when you do reach customer service, they just jerk you around constantly before giving you an RMA. I haven't even gotten to the "being jerked around" phase yet since NOBODY is responding to me!!!


I am really angry about this, and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It's really compelling me to buy an LG headset as soon as it is released unless someone helps me soon.


Can someone on here from HTC please help me? If I do not recieve help soon, I will file a complaint on the ripoffreport, I will create a blog detailing my bad experience with HTC customer support, and I will also create a youtube video talking about my experience. This way when future potential HTC Vive customers google about the Vive, they will see my bad experience and maybe they'll buy an Oculus or an LG headset instead. In addition I plan to file a complaint with the consumer protection department of HK customs and the HK consumer council. Please don't make me do this. If someone actually responds to me and helps me RMA my controllers, I'll be fine and I won't spend my time and energy doing this. I just want Vive to honour their warranty and not ignore my emails! 


I really do enjoy the Vive otherwise. The headset itself works great, and the motion controllers were awesome until this touchpad button click problem came up. The touchpad button issue is a very common problem and is probably related to a manufacturing defect because,  I noticed that many Vive owners have this problem. 



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So sorry to hear about the trouble you've had! We're going to get in touch with your local support and figure out what we can do. Can you please privately message us your name and email address so we can look you up?

We'll respond soon with next steps.
Thank you,
-John C

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  • 2 weeks later...

Exactly the same problem here, pads dont click and are broken, "being jerk around" just about sums it up constant loop of the same stupid questions that HTC know the answer to but there is no action taken...pathetic!

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So 1 week later and absolutely nothing, sent details as requested and nothing, how hard is it to email a return label when something is within warranty and does work.

Customer support is atrocious!!!!!


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3 phone calls to HTC customer they asked for serial numbers etc which they were given nothing happened that was a month ago,I get the impression you are given the runaround so you give up and go away how can they expect you to invest further in their product when it would appear the controllers are faulty and they are just ignoring the fact.

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, it's just a matter of time mate I guess. They wont let down their customers. You should just be more patient. I know it's not fun waiting, but sometimes it happens and it sucks to be one among a few with faulty hardware. Business wise, the VR is not that big right now, which means that at this time they can't afford investing that much money in customer support/repair centres etc. In my small country at local city I know for example where are licensed retailers/service for Asus or Gigabyte, but hey they sell millions of products every month worldwide so they can afford to put more money in customer service etc. It should take some time and couple millions of units sold to get our support much faster and much easier, but as of now that's how I imagine the things go around and that's the risk we are taking as an early adopters, cause let's face it even after a year I'm still considering PC VR as an early adoption peace of tech. 

Good Luck with your thing mate ! 

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  • 1 year later...

Hi John,


I have this issue, Fault 02 error code 10009.  I contacted the support but they said they were having trouble accessing the system and, although my base station is under warranty, they couldn't enter a ticket.

I was given an email address to contact but it bounced back.  Can you help me get my ticket in or get my warranty on the base station honoured?


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