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SRWorks samples are 3DoF on Unity.


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I would like to implement Vive-SRWorks in Unity for AR development.
When I run Assets>ViveSR>Scenes>"ViveSR_Sample_duplicate", the four spheres displayed are linked to the body movements and are not in 6DoF state!

The development environment is as follows

∙ Windows 10
∙ Unity 2019.4.6f1
API is LegacyVR
VIVE Pro eye

Plugins used
SteamVR Plugin 2.7.3
SRWorks Experience


I'll briefly describe the current situation.
・I have confirmed 6DoF VR using SteamVR.
・Assets>ViveSR>Scenes>"ViveSR_Sample_duplicate" results in 3DoF
・Assets>ViveSR_Expericence>Scenes>"Sample7_Portal" and "Sample10_HumanCut" confirmed 6DoF movement.
・Even if I place an object referring to "Sample10_HumanCut", it is 3DoF.


I'm stumbling over something as simple as placing a square and seeing it in 6DoF.
Please help.

I'm Japanese, so I have to rely on machine translation.
I'm sorry if my words are not correct.

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