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Is it possible to get CSV file from HTC Vive Focus 3?


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Is it possible to get a CSV file from HTC Vive Focus 3 and Oculus Quest 2 with or without the internet? 

I am developing a project using Unity and I want to export data from the project in a CSV file. I want it to be able to export the CSV file after the user plays the project I am working on. The user will be using HTC Vive Focus 3 and Oculus Quest 2. I am wondering if I can get the CSV file in those headsets.

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@1099The data can be stored according to the android storage standards https://developer.android.com/training/data-storage -- more or less, inside your app directory - as returned by the function getFilesDir() and getCacheDir() natively or with other apis that wrap this like temporarycachepath https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Application-temporaryCachePath.html

Alternatively, opening up a socket and sending this data across the network can work


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