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Vive/Oculus Controller offset PC VR OpenXR Unity

Vector B

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Oculus Touch controller & XR Elite controllers have completely different device/grip position. And I couldn't find a way to differentiate them (so I could offset manually).

Oculus grip position seems OK.


While XR Elite device/grip position is on top of the controller (Not OK) :


Old Vive wand looks OK.

Am I missing something ? How can I know which controller is used ?

I'm using XR Elite Dev Kit and regular Quest 2 and old (2016) Vive

Unity 2021.3.24

Input System 1.5.1
OpenXR Plugin 1.7.0
VIVE OpenXR Plugin - Windows 1.0.10

Tested on PC VR with SteamVR as default OpenXR environment runtime.

Screenshot from OpenXR plugin's ControllerSample test scene.
You can reproduce by installing the packages above, and install "Controller Samples" in Package Manager -> OpenXR Plugin -> Sample -> Controllers

Edited by Vector B
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@Vector B

These differences in various controllers are part of why we offer packages like VIU ( https://github.com/ViveSoftware/ViveInputUtility-Unity or https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/integration/vive-input-utility-64219 )- since the origin and other attributes of controllers are little different.

There are other approaches, but the raw offsets are available in that package, and there are a few other toolkits to better manage the differences in origin/etc in various controllers for more specific usecases

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