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Open XR Unity - Focus 3 - Hand Input - no Grab ?? -


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I am trying to use Focus 3 with open XR. 

I can do a lot but I am not able to grab objects. 

I am trying to grab an object from the Hands Demo Scene (XR Interaction toolkit 2.3.2 package +  Hands Interaction Demo ==> Hands Demo Scene) 

 - What am I missing ? 

 - Why Is the grab action ( or pinch ) not recognized ? 

In the OpenXR settings (in Plug-in management) this is what I have: 



From then, I thought I would go and create a new input action for my focus 3. 

In the OpenXR - Developer Resources page on the vive documentation, there is a section for hand tracking to interact with objects (https://developer.vive.com/resources/openxr/openxr-mobile/tutorials/unity/hand-tracking/interact-objects-remotely/)

1) I cannot find the Hand Interaction Profile to add in the project settings >  XR Plugin Management > OpenXR 


2) I cannot find the Focus 3 in the Input Action device list 


I suppose this would only show if VIVE Focus 3 Hand Interaction profile is added. 

Setup : Unity 2021.3.15f 

I am currently using these packages from the VIVE registry : 



Any help would be appreciated. 



Thanks in advance !



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I hear that these things can be a little complicated. 

Make sure to install the "Vive OpenXR ToolKit - Android" package as that is what adds support for the "selected" feature and you should then see the "Vive xr hand interaction"  

With this is my understanding that we support the "selected" event (by way of a pinch gesture) using the openxr runtime at the moment. It is my understanding that additional hand gestures are in progress under the openxr hand gestures. I may be a bit behind on this and maybe @Tony PH Lin knows of any additional gestures supported by openxr in the xr interaction toolkit.

If you switch to our wave native hand gestures, there are some additional hand gestures documented here https://hub.vive.com/storage/docs/en-us/UnityXR/UnityXRHand.html


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On second thought, 
Typically grab is implemented using physics - so setting up colliders/rigidbodies on the hand joints themselves - this is exposed by the openxr api itself and application level logic will dictact if there is a collision and/or grab 

The deeper specifics of this device is on the ViveHandInteraction.cs file in the standard openxr plugin -- so make sure that the project is compiling as well, as otherwise this profile may not show up for you

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  • 4 months later...
On 6/9/2023 at 2:15 PM, JulienActiveMe said:

Thank you all for these answers. I managed to add the Hand Interaction Profile. 

I will test later with the colliders / rigidbodies solution suggested by @Alex_HTC.

Will let you know


Hey, did you manage to get the "grabbin" workin? currently working with the vive focus 3 as well, and i have the same problem...

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Hello Imel,
Didn't try, had a lot more to implement. 

I might give it a shot again in a few weeks when I get the time.
I'll let you know if I make progress.

If you get it working in the meantime, 
would you please be kind enough to let me know how ? 

Thank you! 



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