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[NEW] Vive OpenXR 2-in-1 (Unreal) Plugin is landing

Tony PH Lin

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We'd like to share a big step of Vive OpenXR 2-in-1 Plugin for Unreal is released, which means we have integrated OpenXR for PC and for Mobile VR plugin into one. From now you can manage your project more simple and easily to output either PC or Mobile VR contents.

Check out our website to see more detail samples and tutorials we provide you to upgrade from existing plugins.


Welcome to leave your comments and suggestions, and also let us know if there still exist some issues need to be resolved.

We will release Unity version in coming September soon..

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Thank you so much @Tony PH Lin  , this will make debugging Android applications so much more helpful.

I was trying this out earlier today with the 5.1 sample project.  The ability to rely on this rather than having to enable/disable the OpenXR Android plugin for testing purposes will be a useful asset.

The one issue I do have at the moment is with Wrist Tracker debugging.  At the moment, Wrist Tracker integration seems to work in packaged shipping builds when I managed to make a package in Unreal and transfer it to and launch from my XR Elite headset, but I can't seem to see Wrist Trackers work in the Unreal Engine editor (the rings don't move). 
Do wrist trackers only work in packaged builds, or is there a missing component that I need to enable in order to see trackers work in the editor?

Thank you so much once again in advance!

- Vincent

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Here are some updates for the feedbacks.

1) For wrist tracker support, yes it's working in packaged builds but it's still not fully working under Unreal Editor. We will put this as future improvement plan.

2) Also we clarify the use case of wrist tracker running on Vive Focus 3/ Elite via PC Streaming may need an upgrade version of VBS/VS (current public version may not work), which these release schedule are under plan and will keep posted.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I am trying this new plugin version with Vive Focus3 using VBS 1.11.8c beta, SteamVR 1.26.6 and UE 5.1 to use OpenXR in a Windows PC application. Unreal does not recognise the connected headset, VR Preview is not available. I tested the sample application and other OpenXR projects (SteamVR plugin disabled) as well.

Also tried previous Vive OpenXR 1.6.0.r2 version and older UE4.27 version with no success.  SteamVR set as default OpenXR provider. 

At this moment there is no way to get the headset recognised by Unreal through OpenXR , only if SteamVR plugin is enabled. Please advise how to setup OpenXR for Unreal 5.1 to run Windows PC application. 


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Hi All,

We're glad to update you the Unity plugin to support both PC and AIO are also online.

And we slightly change the link for Unreal for your reference.





Please keep let us know your comments and trial results, thanks.

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  • 5 months later...

this is SO cool, thanks a lot.

please please please please add Linux host support as that's my main work flow. (target vive elite xr).

i had to make these  modifications in order to package from linux to the elite.

im astonished i didn't had to make more drastic changes.

im using ue 5.3 android-29


// ViveRenderDoc.Build.cs

			if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64)
				PrivateIncludePaths.Add(Path.Combine(EngineDir, @"Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/Windows"));
			else if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Android)
				PrivateIncludePaths.Add(Path.Combine(EngineDir, @"Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/Android"));
				// critical as android will NOT find a directory using \ 
					@"Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private")); //VulkanRHIPrivate.h

			} else if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux)
				PrivateIncludePaths.Add(Path.Combine(EngineDir, @"Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private")); //VulkanPlatform.h
				// critical as linux will NOT find a directory using \ 
				PrivateIncludePaths.Add(Path.Combine(EngineDir, @"Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/Linux"));



	"FileVersion": 3,
	"Version": 1,
	"VersionName": "2.2.0",
	"FriendlyName": "Vive OpenXR",
	"Description": "Features of VIVE OpenXR.",
	"Category": "Virtual Reality",
	"CreatedBy": "HTC Corporation",
	"CreatedByURL": "https://developer.vive.com/",
	"DocsURL": "https://developer.vive.com/resources/openxr/unreal/unreal-overview/",
	"MarketplaceURL": "",
	"SupportURL": "",
	"EngineVersion": "5.3.0",
	"CanContainContent": true,
	"Installed": true,
	"SupportedTargetPlatforms": [
	"Modules": [
			"Name": "ViveOpenXRRuntimeSettings",
			"Type": "Runtime",
			"LoadingPhase": "PostEngineInit",
			"PlatformAllowList": [
			"Name": "ViveOpenXREditor",
			"Type": "Editor",
			"LoadingPhase": "PostEngineInit",
			"PlatformAllowList": [
			"Name": "ViveOpenXRHMD",
			"Type": "Runtime",
			"LoadingPhase": "PostConfigInit",
			"PlatformAllowList": [
			"Name": "ViveOpenXRSceneUnderstanding",
			"Type": "Runtime",
			"LoadingPhase": "PostConfigInit",
			"PlatformAllowList": [
			"Name": "ViveOpenXRFacialTracking",
			"Type": "Runtime",
			"LoadingPhase": "PostConfigInit",
			"PlatformAllowList": [
			"Name": "ViveOpenXRHandInteraction",
			"Type": "Runtime",
			"LoadingPhase": "PostConfigInit",
			"PlatformAllowList": [
			"Name": "ViveOpenXRCosmosController",
			"Type": "Runtime",
			"LoadingPhase": "PostConfigInit",
			"PlatformAllowList": [
			"Name": "ViveOpenXRFocus3Controller",
			"Type": "Runtime",
			"LoadingPhase": "PostConfigInit",
			"PlatformAllowList": [
			"Name": "ViveCustomHandGesture",
			"Type": "Runtime",
			"LoadingPhase": "PostConfigInit",
			"PlatformAllowList": [
			"Name": "ViveOpenXRPassthrough",
			"Type": "Runtime",
			"LoadingPhase": "PostConfigInit",
			"PlatformAllowList": [
			"Name": "ViveOpenXRWristTracker",
			"Type": "Runtime",
			"LoadingPhase": "PostConfigInit",
			"PlatformAllowList": [
			"Name": "ViveRenderDoc",
			"Type": "Runtime",
			"LoadingPhase": "PostConfigInit",
			"PlatformAllowList": [
			"Name": "ViveOpenXRDisplayRefreshRate",
			"Type": "Runtime",
			"LoadingPhase": "PostConfigInit",
			"PlatformAllowList": [
	"Plugins": [
			"Name": "OpenXR",
			"Enabled": true
			"Name": "LiveLink",
			"Enabled": true


the last problem i ran into, which i'm not sure why it happens. is that the app launches in full screen, in apparent vr mode, but there is no stereo on the image, both left and right eyes get different part of the same scene, so there's no 3d and you cant focus your eyes on anything.

Edited by nande
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