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[Unity][XR Elite] Wavexr Hand Tracking: Matching OpenXR Controller-Like XR Interaction Profile

Nick Marmaras

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Hello everyone,

I've been using the WaveXr hand tracking plugin for android and have noticed a difference in behavior compared to the OpenXR hand tracking plugin. Specifically, the hand tracking interaction in the OpenXR plugin resembles that of a controller, with the pinch gesture acting like a trigger or moving the hand like a controller. I have noticed that in the WaveXR we have gesture recognition.

However, in the case of Wavexr hand tracking, I've observed that this behavior is not replicated. The pinch gesture doesn't quite resemble the trigger-like interaction found in the OpenXR hand tracking plugin. I would like to inquire whether there is an interaction profile or setting within the Wavexr hand tracking plugin that can align its behavior more closely with the controller-like interaction profile found in OpenXR. I'm also using both old and new input system.

Has anyone else encountered this distinction in hand tracking behavior between these two plugins in the latest updates? 

Thanks in advance

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Hello @Tony PH Lin thank you for the fast reply,

Although these functions are very useful, I would like to have a trigger functionality like the controller trigger in OpenXR, without a raycast. For example, if I make a pinch with the left hand, I would like to be treated like I am pressing the trigger button of the wave controller, like an input action of the standard vive controller. In the input action, I noticed that there is a value called triggerPressed [LeftHand VIVE Controller(Wave)]. Can I somehow combine the value from getpinchstrength to enable or disable the wave trigger button?

Thank you so much


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Hello @Tony PH Lin thank you for the fast reply,

Although these functions are very useful, I would like to have a trigger functionality like the controller trigger in OpenXR, without a raycast. For example, if I make a pinch with the left hand, I would like to be treated like I am pressing the trigger button of the wave controller, like an input action of the standard vive controller. In the input action, I noticed that there is a value called triggerPressed [LeftHand VIVE Controller(Wave)]. Can I somehow combine the value from getpinchstrength to enable or disable the wave trigger button?

Thank you so much

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