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XRI Toolkit and XR Hands Compatibility with VIVE Headsets


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We've been exploring different interaction SDKs for our multiplatform app. Currently, we use separate SDKs for different headsets, but now we're looking to unify and support all headsets with a single interaction SDK. After researching, we've chosen the XRI Toolkit and XR Hands with OpenXR as our foundation.

While the Hands demo scene in the XRI Toolkit works perfectly on Oculus devices, we've encountered issues on VIVE Focus 3 headsets. Hand gestures, ray interaction, and direct touch functionalities are not functioning as expected. On the VIVE Focus 3, I can only visualize my hands (with minor deformations in the skinned mesh).

  • I'm interested to know if there are plans to make VIVE headsets fully compatible with the XRI Toolkit and XR Hands? 
  • Additionally, I'm wondering if there's a way to run a direct preview using OpenXR without enabling WaveXR from the plugin provider. Enabling WaveXR isn't ideal for our debugging purposes, as we want to address issues using the OpenXR backend directly?

Any insights or guidance on these matters would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

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  • 6 months later...

Just want to cycle back here: is the Unity XR Hands package supported by Vive Elite? If so, what plugin(s) are required? I have only installed "VIVE OpenXR Plugin 2.2.0" so far, but from the above comment it looks like XR Hands needs some of the Wave XR plugins as well?

A brief how-to would really help here.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi @VIVE_chengnay

I'd also like to ask again concerning this topic.
We are currently trying to set up a universal OpenXR project with Hand Tracking using Unity XR Hands (https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.xr.hands@1.4/manual/index.html). We have removed any platform-specific SDKs (Wave, Meta and Pico) and are using only OpenXR packages with XR Hands. This works flawlessly on Meta Quest and Pico, but sadly does not seem to work on VIVE Focus 3.

We have enabled the Hand Tracking Subsystem, VIVE XR Hand Tracking and VIVE XR Support in the feature settings and the Vive Focus 3 Controller Interaction in the Profiles (exactly according to the Screenshot). In the scene, we have the Hand Visualizer from the XR Hands package (1.4.1), but the hands are not visible within the application, even though they are recognized by the HMD (visible in the menu).


In this Tutorial, the script seems to access some VIVE-Specific namespace (VIVE.OpenXR.Hand), which seems to suggest there is the need for some custom implementation for hand tracking, which in this case we'd like to avoid to keep everything consistent. Any chance we can get the standard Unity XR Hands running with VIVE Focus 3 or is this currently just not supported?

Thank you!

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Hi @VirtualDiscoveryGuy,

9 hours ago, VirtualDiscoveryGuy said:

We have enabled the Hand Tracking Subsystem, VIVE XR Hand Tracking and VIVE XR Support in the feature settings and the Vive Focus 3 Controller Interaction in the Profiles (exactly according to the Screenshot). In the scene, we have the Hand Visualizer from the XR Hands package (1.4.1), but the hands are not visible within the application, even though they are recognized by the HMD (visible in the menu).

Could you try downgrade Unity XR Hands to 1.3.0?



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9 hours ago, VirtualDiscoveryGuy said:

In this Tutorial, the script seems to access some VIVE-Specific namespace (VIVE.OpenXR.Hand), which seems to suggest there is the need for some custom implementation for hand tracking, which in this case we'd like to avoid to keep everything consistent. Any chance we can get the standard Unity XR Hands running with VIVE Focus 3 or is this currently just not supported?

You might need to manually implement OpenXR APIs like what we did in ViveHandTracking.cs.

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