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Patch notes: Viveport r1076


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A note on notes

Below are patch notes for the latest version of Viveport, currently available to download here. These notes are a little delayed, and we apologize for that. We're improving our processes to get notes out faster.


We're also publishing patch notes now, in part, to give you a better idea of changes and improvements that are being made to the Viveport client on an ongoing basis. We've got an ongoing development roadmap to improve the client, so these aren't the last notes you'll see! We welcome discussion on what you see below if anything doesn't make sense.


Patch notes: Viveport r1076 

User Interface / Dashboard

  • 'Subscription only' tag added to titles that are only available in Viveport Subscription.
  • Added filter in Library for 'Downloading'. This filter lets you see what apps are downloading now, or have recently been downloaded.
  • Filters now include - installed, subscribed, install available, update available and downloading.
  • Added 'sort' function in Library. Sort your apps A to Z, by last date installed, or last date purchased.


  • Improved downloading reliability by connecting to more than one CDN if required.

Troubleshooting improvements

  • More network information is now collected when using the Diagnosis Tool to send in logs for troubleshooting.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where using SteamVR would launch Viveport. Viveport should now only be launched if using a specific feature, such as Vive Home or the 3D viewer.
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