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Everest VR download problem


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I've tried many times to download Everest VR, without success. I keep getting an 'Internal Error' after a variable amount of time. The most annoying in thing is that Viveport will not continue where it left off.

When clicking on retry it deletes the app folder and starts again from o%.

So I went into 'Report Issue', clicked on 'Download Issues' and 'will not download option'.

Made sure that Windows Firewall and Real-Time Protection were turned off.

It then started downloading, and (after about 15 hours on my slow connection), it completed, all 1313 files, 12037MB.

I then expected it to be available to run in the library, but no!

It is still showing the download option.

If you click on that, it wipes the entire folder in ProgramData/HTC/ViveApps.

Fortunately I made a backup of the folder, so I could restore it.

This title was part of a game bundle that came with my Vive headset.


There seems to be a couple of issues here:

1) Why doesn't Viveport allow resuming of downloads?

2) When manually downloading a title, why doesn't Viveport then update the library accordingly, so that it can be run?


Does anyone here know of a way to manually add this completed download to the library, e.g. by editing a config file?

As far as the Viveport library is concerned, I haven't downloaded this title (even though all files are there).

Appreciate any help here.

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I'm wondering if it's anti-virus or security software being overly aggressive. (I know you mentioned that, but double check that you don't have additional security software.) If you have any of that, try whitelisting or temporarily disabling it and try the installation again. Make sure you are running as an Administrator as well.


-John C

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Thanks for that.

I don't have any anti-virus software on the pc in question, only Windows firewall and real-time protection.

I disabled both, which seemed to be the only way to get this title to download.

I have not had to do this for anything else. I managed to download First Person Tennis, Google Earth, Lunar Flight and others without these problems. However, these are all smaller (in total files size) - not sure if that is relevant. Have never had any of these problems in Steam VR.

I would still like to know why, after downloading all the files successfully (in the Report Issue section), the title cannot be run, and in the library it is still asking me to retry/download it (from the beginning).

If I run a troubleshooting check on this title, it confirms that all files are there and complete.



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That's a pain, having to redownload everything.

I don't have a fast connection, and have limited data allowance.


Seems an inefficient way of doing things, i.e. re-downloading all the titles that are working perfectly.

The Vive/Viveport software could do with some recoding.

With Steam you don't have to do this, you just move your steamapps to a safe place, uninstall/reinstall Steam and move the contents of your apps to the correct folder.

Why can't Viveport work this way?




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You can do that with Viveport too and depending on how many games you have, you should. I was recommending a reinstall just to try to isolate the problem. We also have a new version of Viveport out today, so you might want to update as well.

Thank you,

-John C

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Thank you for that.

The Viveport update looks like a step in the right direction.

Will try the update, and perhaps a fresh install if that doesn't help with this title.


One thing I have never done is run Vive software as an administrator (though as a user I do have administrator privileges).  This has never been a problem so far, but may worth trying, to see if Viveport will recognise and include this title in the library.




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