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Fallout 4 VR? Where is it with my new second VIVE?

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As far as I know, this was a limited-time offer sooner this year. You should check the offer of a buy, before you do so. At the moment, there is no mention of any game, if you buy a vive. (not for the original and not for the pro...)

I bought my vive anyway, though, but I knew this, at the time I bought it... (3-4 weeks ago.)

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Well that is very disappointing. I am unhappy they did not give us a choice. I have no desire to subscribe to Vive Port. I already have Steam and just wanted a choice of a free game which would have been the only one I don't have that I want: Fallout 4 VR. I am sad. If I knew this I may have skipped buying a second VIVE as that was the buying point for me. I would have bought a Pro instead with my money. Now my budget is blown. Thanks for the information anyway. Thanks HTC for horrible promotions.

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