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Submitting app to Viveport


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Hi! I'm currently working towards uploading an app into the viveport. I checked the submission guide and it mentions that I need to upload a binary build. I'm working in Unity and I'm not completely sure how I can get that binary build that it asks for as well as the manifest file that it mentions. Any guidance will be very appreciated. 

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Hi , and welcome to our Developer Forums!


Hopefully you're looking at the guide found here:




The 'binary build' is a ZIP file containing your EXE file and any other files that your app might require, which should contain the correct folder structure. For example if your EXE references a file in \assets, you need to replicate that structure and those files in the ZIP.


As for the manifest, you only have to alter one line - the file path, which is entered on the line that says "binary_path_windows”:"”;


So for example (taken from the guide linked above) - if your app is named coolVR.exe and is located at the root level of the zip file, this is how you'd alter you file path:





Nothing else needs to change in the manifest. Our submission team will also update the manifest if you get it wrong. :)

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Thanks for getting back to me quickly. I am reading that guide too. What confused me is the manifest file. Do I obtain that file somewhere or can I just create one? When I create my build from Unity I don't see a manifest file being created.


Thanks for your help! :)

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Hey again - so take a look at the screenshot below. Hopefully you're seeing something similar. This is just an example of course so your screen may look different.





The manifest is created automatically when you upload your binary build files to Viveport. It's done by us, not Unity. :)


All you have to do is change that one line (as explained above), explaining where your files are, and the manifest is auto-created.

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